Song of hero
Song of hero

song of hero song of hero song of hero

Mariah's music has captured my heart ever since I have heard the high pitch intro to her debut "Vision of Love" in 1990. so i think the song is really great and is well loved. Its a really heart felt song and i think it is the best because i am going to sing it in a school concert and i cant wait. People can relate to it because it can make them feel different about themselves and it will make them believe things that are differnt and they can feel better about themselves. Ok, so she doesn't do stairs and she has flunkeys to hold her glass and pour her champagne and when she holds out her hand and she is a diva extrodinaire, but no doubting she has the voice and the curves of an angel.shame about the fact she can't act for toffee though. I find it quite astonishing that this over sentlimentle, toothless flatulation can even be on the same page as something like imagine or even anything by the beatles the stones or any vaguely talented individual.Īre you kidding me? Higher than 'Imagine'? This is an awful song by someone who has probably never made a decent record. I'm learning it at the moment with my singing teacher and it's one of those songs you can really get your teeth into and learn a lot from. And for her being a diva, who wouldn't act like that if they wasn't in her shoe's, and thats just saying if what you read is true! All in all not only is Mariah stunning she sings like an angel and "hero" must be one of the best songs writen! This song will be around for ever and Mariah will be too!Īsk yourself this? Have you ever heard anyone sing like Mariah Carey? And before you say yea of course, Whitney Houston etc etc.then you would be very wrong as not only can Mariah hit the shinying C note (think thats what it is called!!) but she also writes her own songs, so unlike the Whitney's and the Cline Dions, when you hear Mariah's music, it is HER music. The powerful lyrics were able to reach out and unite individuals from all walks of life. Think how many emotional and delicate situations this songs represents? This was the songs that was played after the devistation of 9/11. I believe that this is one of the greatest power ballards that have ever been released. And the cresendo that starts with "Hold on, there will be tomorrow" is simply stunning!And when I first heard her sing the line, ".In time you'll find a wayyyyyyyy", it blew me away.Mariah Carey is invincible, and a beauty (both vocal and physical) to behold. Carey has handled it like.O god! Unbelievable!. "Hero" is an EXTREMELY difficult song to sing, but Ms. Mariah Carey is an astounding talent, and a voice beyond a metaphor (because NOTHING compares to her pipes!). thanks to both the singer and the writer. is a great inspiration and can help anyone to be strong.

Song of hero